
LYON March 2016: Conference on industry financing

Industry financing: on 2nd March 2016, the prestigious Lyinc Club in Lyon hosted a conference organized by Chetwode in partnership with Deloitte and DFCG Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, on the theme:

Industry Financing: new ways of boosting growth

Bringing together industry and finance representatives, this conference looked a the latest developments in industry financing, and dealt with the following subjects:

  • Recent changes in industry financing – Deloitte Conseil Finance
  • Financing needs expressed by most SMEs and intermediate size companies – DFCG Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Financing tools set up by the FIM – Fédération des Industries Mécaniques
  • Alternative lenders’/investors’ capability to finance industrial companies – Acofi Gestion
  • Cross-testimonies of an industrialist and his advisor – Saint Jean Industries/Chetwode

The debates were animated by Eric Boucharlat (Associate Deloitte Lyon) and Jean-Baptiste Magnen (Chetwode President).

  • Olivier Magnin – Deloitte Conseil Finance
  • Benoît Ganne – DFCG Rhône-Alpes Auvergne
  • Antoine Alopeau – FIM/CMGM
  • Guillaume de Charry – Acofi Gestion
  • Olivier de la Borie – Chetwode
  • Christian Georges – Saint Jean Industries

With the participation of the Fédération des Industries Mécaniques 

Fédération des industries mécaniques

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