What are the variants of vendor finance ?
Vendor finance comes in many forms, the main difference being the level of mutual commitment in the agreements between the seller and the leasing company.

Simple matchmaking
The vendor introduces the buyer to a leasing company. The latter discusses the terms of the lease with the end user. The vendor no longer has any role in the lease and is not involved with the lessor.

Renting directly from a lessor
The vendor offers the buyer (the end-user) a standard lease contract with a leasing company. Beforehand, agreements are made on the acceptance of credit or the sharing of risks between the vendor and the leasing company. The end user knows the situation from the start: the lease is offered by a leasing company, the vendor is only an intermediary in this relationship.

The joint venture
All leases are pooled in a specially created company, which acts as a financing pool. In such a joint venture, the parties share the benefits and risks.

Direct hire from the vendor with takeover of the contract
The vendor offers the buyer, the end user, a lease contract in his name. He has previously made arrangements with a leasing company to take over this contract. In principle, the lessor takes over all the contracts concluded by the vendor with end-users who meet the predefined criteria. This structure has two variants. The first is with disclosure: the end user is informed of the takeover of the contract by a third party lessor. The end-user therefore knows that the ultimate financier is a leasing company, not the vendor. The second option is non-disclosure: the end user is not informed that the lease will ultimately be financed by a leasing company. The leasing company will only disclose its role when the end user fails to meet its financial obligations

Vendor direct leasing combined with portfolio financing
The vendor offers a leasing contract to the buyer, the end user. All the leasing contracts together form a "borrowing base" for which overall financing is obtained by the vendor, either from a bank or from a leasing company. There is therefore no financing of the individual contracts, but the portfolio of contracts is financed. This variant is only applicable to large vendor, who are able to have a large number of contracts on their balance sheet. In this case, too, the vendor and the leasing company can conclude agreements on risk sharing.